Bhutan is a dream destination for environmental tourists. One-third of the country is designated as parks and biological corridors while more than 70% of its total area is under forest cover. A recipient of the “Champion of Earth” award, Bhutan has been named as one of the world’s top 10 “environmental hotspots”.
Bhutan has more bird species than the whole of North and Central America combined. Over 800 species have been identified so far, including 25 that are considered very rare or endangered. The variety of of plant species is no less spectacular with about 50 species of rhododendron and 450 species of orchid alone discovered. Come spring, the northern part of the Himalayas is carpeted with various colours and hues of alpine flowers.
The unpolluted air, pristine waterfalls, thick primeval forests and the harmonious coexistence between man and nature make Bhutan the ultimate destination for nature lovers.